Portable Greenhouses (26)

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Portable Greenhouse FAQs

  • What are portable greenhouses used for?

    Most people use greenhouses to grow their own vegetables. However, you can also use them to harden seedlings until they’re ready to plant outside in beds and pots. Because greenhouses have a clear cover, they provide plants with sunlight while protecting them from the wind, rain, and garden pests.

    In addition, greenhouses provide plants with the warmth and humidity they require for strong, healthy growth. Shelves make them great for growing smaller plants in pots, such as cucumbers, courgettes, and chillies. Plus, you can remove the shelves to accommodate tomatoes and taller growing plants.

  • What type of portable greenhouse do I need?

    It depends on how much space you have in your garden. For example, if you have a smaller garden with limited space, a 3 tier or 4 tier greenhouse is the best option. Conversely, if you have a larger garden, a walk-in greenhouse might be a better option and will give you plenty of growing space.

    If you're growing plants in the ground in a raised bed or veggie plot, a grow tunnel is a better option. As well as promoting strong and healthy growth, they also help to protect plants from birds and pests. Before choosing a greenhouse or grow tunnel, always measure your garden space beforehand.

  • Where should I put my portable greenhouse?

    The main issue people encounter with portable greenhouses is that they easily blow over in the wind. So, it's important to choose a location that is relatively shielded from the wind. For best results, push your greenhouse flush against a wall or fence, preferably in a spot that receives plenty of sunlight.

    If you're placing your greenhouse on a lawn, you can use U-shaped ground pegs to secure it to the ground. This should ensure it stays firmly in place. However, if you're placing your greenhouse on solid ground, such as a patio or decking, you'll need to anchor it to ensure it's windproofed.

  • How do I anchor my portable greenhouse to solid ground?

    Place your greenhouse against a wall or fence, then screw an eyebolt to the wall or fence either side of the greenhouse, just above the top of the door. Next, wrap galvanised metal wire tightly around the front of your greenhouse and tie it to the eyebolts. This will keep it tied firmly to the wall or fence.

    With the top of your greenhouse secure, the next step is to weigh it down at the base. If your greenhouse has a shelf at the base, remove it from your greenhouse. Then, replace the shelf with something heavy, such as a paving slab. This should ensure your greenhouse is fully windproofed.

  • Can I use a portable greenhouse during the winter?

    We wouldn't advise using your greenhouse over the winter. Although our greenhouse covers keep plants insulated from the cold, they don't provide sufficient frost protection. Thankfully, all our greenhouses are easy to disassemble. So, you can store them safely away until the following spring.

    Having said that, we have fleece covers available for our 3 and 4 tier greenhouses. By keeping plants insulated to temperatures of -8˚C, they allow you to use your greenhouse throughout the winter. We also have cold frames which are a great alternative to greenhouses if you're growing winter crops.

Whether you're a novice gardener or green-fingered pro, growing your own is easy with our portable greenhouses. As well as creating the conditions plants crave for healthy growth, they're perfect for protecting them from the wind, rain, and pests. Plus, they come in a range of sizes and styles to suit your outdoor space.

For a small garden, opt for a mini greenhouse, or if space allows, choose a larger greenhouse to grow a bumper crop. We also have grow tunnels for veggie patches, cold frames to extend the growing season, and replacement greenhouse covers for sale. So, what are you waiting for? Get growing today with Christow!

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